randomaze3d.exe ver 1.3.5 August 15, 2009 ----------------- We have fixed a bug that causes theme folders to not be discovered on some machines. This problem did not always show up but could at any time. We also fixed a map position bug and a few other minor issues. ver 1.2.5 August 7, 2009 ----------------- We have added the ability to check for new versions of the software by clicking a button on the about window. ver 1.2.4 June 12, 2009 ----------------- Buttons in the winner/quit window were showing when they were not supposed to. This problem has been corrected. ver 1.2.3 ----------------- Changes were made to correct errors when loading the default high scores and high score messages. Minor code changes were made to improve compatibility. ver 1.2.2 June 1, 2007 ----------------- Minor changes were made including changing the MarcaSoft website link. Ver 1.2.1 July 21, 2006 ---------------- Some fonts that were being used were unable to display correctly on some machines. These fonts were changed to use more common fonts. Ver 1.2 January 6, 2006 ---------------- Changes were made to make Randomaze 3D work properly with multiple users on computers running an NT based windows operating system. This version has code changes that will cause it to be more compatable with other MarcaSoft programs. Ver 1.1 June 21, 2005 ---------------- * Changed link cursors to use custom hand * Updated load routine to default to Basics theme, if selected theme is missing * Adjusted theme list to accomodate longer names * Fixed a bug where pop-ups would sometimes appear behind the map * Corrected theme problem where 'box' sound was playing instead of 'empty' * Corrected theme problem where 'map' sound was playing twice * Updated so that Intro Music and Game Music can be turned on and off independently * Added theme-definable messages and sounds for 'exit' (immediately facing Exit square) * Added theme-definable Story file ('story.rtf') which is displayed when starting the Theme * Updated themes to exclude message with unknown tokens * Added theme-definable messages and sounds for 'open' (passing back over an open box)