Delphi components


Whenever we update a component we also try to update the demo program to show how the updated component works. If you have found any bugs with our previous component releases or just want to see how the new versions work try downloadeing the demo for that component.

Component help files

The following file contains information on installing help files to be used from within Delphi 3. These instructions may be used for all component help files. Please note: these instructions have only been tested with Delphi 3. It is my understanding that they will not work with other versions of Delphi.

[Docs] Instructions for installing a Delphi3 help file

Image ResourceItem component

TmsResourceItem is written for use with Delphi, this component can be used whenever you need a resource to be used at designtime but do not want to have to create, compile, and link a resource file to a project or form. Just drop the component on a form, select the file to add as part of the component and the data will be availble at runtime by using the methods of the component.

[Download] ResourceItem component 1.00 (4.4KiB)
[Docs] ResourceItem component 1.00 Release notes
[HTML] ResourceItem component 1.00 Help file

ScrollImage component

TmsScrollimage is written for use with Delphi, this component can be used in place of a TImage whenever you want a picture to be displayed proportionally or need to be able to scroll a picture in a small window or area and only view part of the picture at a time. This component also has many other features. Download the Scrollimage viewer to see how a program might work using this component. This component is used in several of our MarcaSoft programs and is now available for your use.

[Download] ScrollImage viewer (321KiB)
[Download] ScrollImage component 1.10 (13.1KiB)
[Docs] ScrollImage component 1.10 Release notes

StringDialog component

TmsStringDialog is written for use with Delphi, this dialog can be use whenever you need input from a user. It is very usefull when you need to restrict the information that the user is able to enter (such as in a filename). You can customize the Caption and the prompt message to say whatever you like. This component is used in several of our MarcaSoft programs and is now available for your use.

[Download] StringDialog demo (244KiB)
[Download] StringDialog component 1.10 (9.1KiB)
[Docs] StringDialog component 1.10 Release notes

EndlessProgressBar component

TmsEndlessProgressBar is written for use with Delphi, this progress bar can be use whenever you need a progress bar that repeats untill the operation is complete. Perfect for use when you do not know how long the progress will take or the number of steps needed to complete the opperation.

[Download] EndlessProgressBar demo (229KiB)
[Download] EndlessProgressBar component 1.10 (7KiB)
[Docs] EndlessProgressBar component 1.10 Release notes

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