NOTICE: Elements marked as [v1.1] were implemented in version 1.1of Randomaze 3-D, and only supported by versions 1.1 or later. Themes which include these elements, will still work under Randomaze 1.0, but the new elements will not be used. Theme files: At minimum, a valid Randomaze 3-D Theme must contain39 files (the 39 basic maze elements). In addition, there are over 100 other optional elements (images,messages, sounds, etc) that can be defined to further customize the theme. This file is an attempt to provide at least some documentation for those customizable elements. About images: Some Randomaze 3-D images are drawn with a "transparent" area, over other existing images (ie. drawing a box over the maze background). Since bitmaps don't have a true "transparent" color, the color of the lower-leftmost pixel is used to determine which areas of the image are to be treated as "transparent". This only applies to certain images, and the transparent color is clearly visible in the otherwise black-and-white templates in this Blank Theme. Image Files: door1.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. door2.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. door3.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. door4.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. door5.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. door6.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. door7.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. door8.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. door9.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. door10.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. door11.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. door12.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. wall1.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. wall2.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. wall3.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. wall4.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. wall5.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. wall6.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. wall7.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. wall8.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. wall9.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. wall10.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. wall11.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. wall12.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. middle1.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. middle2.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. middle3.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. middle4.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. middle5.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. middle6.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. middle7.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. middle8.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. middle9.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. middle10.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. middle11.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. middle12.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. exita.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. exitb.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. exitc.bmp - A basic maze element. This file is required. ending.bmp - Ending scene. If this file does not exist, the default ending image will be used. openbox1.bmp - An open box (one space away). If this file does not exist, default images will be used for all boxes. openbox2.bmp - An open box (two spaces away). If this file does not exist, default images will be used for all boxes. openbox3.bmp - An open box (three spaces away. If this file does not exist, default images will be used for all boxes. closebox1.bmp - A closed box (one space away). If this file does not exist, default images will be used for all boxes. closebox2.bmp - A closed box (two spaces away). If this file does not exist, default images will be used for all boxes. closebox3.bmp - A closed box (three spaces away). If this file does not exist, default images will be used for all boxes. map.bmp - A map (displayed on immediate facing wall). If this file does not exist, the default map image will be used. Messages Files: food.txt - Player gets food. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. battery.txt - Player finds batteries. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. gem5.txt - Player gets 5 point gem. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. gem3.txt - Player gets 3 point gem. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. gem1.txt - Player gets 1 point gem. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. stone.txt - Player gets a worthless stone. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. compass.txt - Player gets a Compass. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. gps.txt - Player gets a GPS. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. beacon.txt - Player gets a Beacon. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. tracker.txt - Player gets a Tracker. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. detector.txt - Player gets a Detector. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. empty.txt - Player opens an empty box. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. blocked.txt - Player is unable to move. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. run.txt - Player runs. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. stop.txt - Player stops running [hits wall]. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. usebatt.txt - Player uses batteries. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. hint.txt - Player is next to a special space. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. foodtrap.txt - Player triggers a food trap. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. gemtrap.txt - Player triggers a gem trap. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. hungry.txt - Player is low on food. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. starving.txt - Player is very low on food. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. weakbatt.txt - Player's batteries are weak. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. deadbatt.txt - Player's batteries are dead. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. start.txt - Player starts game. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. win.txt - Player wins game. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. lose.txt - Player loses game. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. quit.txt - Player quits game. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. map.txt - Player is next to and facing a map wall. If this message file does not exist, default messages will be used. exit.txt - Player is next to and facing the exit. [v1.1] open.txt - Player passes an already opened box. [v1.1] yell.txt - Player presses Y key. laugh.txt - Player presses L key. cry.txt - Player presses C key. jump.txt - Player presses J key. dance.txt - Player presses D key. random.txt - Random background messages. Sound Files: food.wav - Player gets food. gem.wav - Default sound for gems. box.wav - Default sound for boxes. walk.wav - Default sound for walking. blocked.wav - Default sound when player is unable to move. run.wav - Default sound when player runs. use.wav - Default sound for using items. hint.wav - Default sound for hints / special spaces. trap.wav - Default sound for traps. warning.wav - Default sound for warnings. battery.wav - Player finds batteries. Default sound is "box". gem5.wav - Player gets 5 point gem. Default sound is "gem". gem3.wav - Player gets 3 point gem. Default sound is "gem". gem1.wav - Player gets 1 point gem. Default sound is "gem". stone.wav - Player gets a worthless stone. Default sound is "box". compass.wav - Player gets a Compass. Default sound is "box". gps.wav - Player gets a GPS. Default sound is "box". beacon.wav - Player gets a Beacon. Default sound is "box". tracker.wav - Player gets a Tracker. Default sound is "box". detector.wav - Player gets a Detector. Default sound is "box". empty.wav - Player opens an empty box. Default sound is "box". [v1.1 - the "box" sound was always used in v1.0, due to a bug in the software] stepback.wav - Player steps back. Default sound is "walk". running.wav - Player is running. Default sound is "walk". stop.wav - Player stops running (hits wall). Default sound is "blocked". usebatt.wav - Player uses batteries. Default sound is "use". foodtrap.wav - Player triggers a food trap. Default sound is "trap". gemtrap.wav - Player triggers a gem trap. Default sound is "trap". hungry.wav - Player is low on food. Default sound is "warning". starving.wav - Player is very low on food. Default sound is "warning". weakbatt.wav - Player's batteries are weak. Default sound is "warning". deadbatt.wav - Player's batteries are dead. Default sound is "warning". turn.wav - Player turns. start.wav - Player starts game. win.wav - Player wins game. lose.wav - Player loses game. quit.wav - Player quits game. map.wav - Player is next to and facing a map wall. exit.wav - Player is next to and facing the exit. [v1.1] open.wav - Player passes an already opened box. [v1.1] yell.wav - Player presses Y key. laugh.wav - Player presses L key. cry.wav - Player presses C key. jump.wav - Player presses J key. dance.wav - Player presses D key. random1.wav - Random background sounds. random2.wav - Random background sounds. random3.wav - Random background sounds. music file: music.mid - Background music story file: story.rtf - Introductory story [v1.1] theme.ini file: The theme.ini file defines the names and hint labels for various types of objects in Randomaze 3-D (food source, light source, etc). It can also (optionally) contain credits for the theme. If present, these credits will be displayed in Randomaze 3-D's About box for the theme. Theme Icon images: food.bmp - Icon for "food". gems.bmp - Icon for "gems". charge.bmp - Icon for "light source charge" (percentage). compass.bmp - Icon for "Compass", detector.bmp - Icon for "Detector". beacon.bmp - Icon for "Beacon". gps.bmp - Icon for "G.P.S." tracker.bmp - Icon for "Tracker". north.bmp - Image for compass, when facing North. east.bmp - Image for compass, when facing East. south.bmp - Image for compass, when facing South. west.bmp - Image for compass, when facing West. message.bmp - Image for Message indicator. critical.bmp - Image for Critical Message indicator. Message tokens: Each line of a message text file contains a possible message for that event. Whenever an event occurs, Randomaze will randomly select one of the messages from the appropriate message file. If the file doesn't exist, it will choose from it's internal default messages. The following tokens may be used within messages : Player's name Prefix (a/an) + item name (if applicable) Item name (if applicable) Plural item name (if applicable) Prefix (a/an) + "box" name "Box" name Plural "box" name Prefix (a/an) + "food" name "Food" name Plural "food" name Prefix (a/an) + "gem" name "Gem" name Plural "gem" name Prefix (a/an) + "battery" name "Battery" name Plural "battery" name Light Source You can force the case of the string to be all uppercase, by entering the token as all uppercase (ie. ). You can force the first letter to be uppercase, by making the first letter of the token uppercase (ie. ). Otherwise, the case of the string will match the case of the values entered in the theme's .ini file.